Thursday, January 30, 2014


The snow has subsided, and Thursdays are my lazy days.

My cat seems to agree.

I recommend tea and either a good book or a laptop for this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Neil Hilborn, Poet.

Neil Hilborn is one of my very favorite poets.

He is a performance poet who writes words that burst in my head.

But you know what? Neil Hilborn is particularly interesting because he writes about mental illness. He writes about his own experiences with the disorder, as he has been diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

His poetry is incredibly real and raw.

For example, "The Future" is a poem written about Bipolar Disorder.

And "OCD,"'s a bit self-explanatory.
I can't watch this one without crying.

I will return to Neil Hilborn soon, but for now I would like my readers to think about the impact of poetry written to express illnesses that are often stigmatized in our society.

Does it require courage to write and perform these pieces?
How would you define this courage?

Does listening to these poems show you things you didn't previously know about either disorder?
How does this affect the way you view these illnesses?

How does self expression help you to cope with your own problems?

The Fault in Our Stars

If you're anything like me, then you are a fan of John Green's work. His book, The Fault in Our Stars, is currently being made into a movie, and the official trailer was released today!

For those of you who have yet to read the book, The Fault in Our Stars tells the story of cancer patient Hazel Grace and her relationship with Augustus Waters, a cancer patient in remission. The book is both beautiful and heartbreaking. 

Oh, and the ending sneaks up on you. Be sure to have your tissues ready.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Right. Hello, everyone.

I've decided to start this blog with ten "about me" facts, so here we go.

  1. My name is Sarah Katherine. Rhyn is a play on Katherine.
  2. I am studying to be an English teacher, but my ultimate goal is to become a writer and an English professor.
  3. Neil Gaiman is my favorite contemporary author for adults.
  4. I have a phobia of watching other people brush their teeth.
  5. I recently adopted a brown tabby cat named Hazel. She is very loved.
  6. I am an extreme introvert. Anytime I don't have to interact with people, I hide in my bedroom with my cat.
  7. J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling are and will forever be my role models.
  8. I geek out over linguistics and grammar. Be excited.
  9. I love watching YouTube videos, so expect those.
  10. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. Or sleeping. Anytime I'm on the internet, it's safe to assume that one of those facts is true.